Inner Peace Foundation

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  • Release from problems in as little as one online session.

  • Feel lighter, calmer, healthier, happier, and more peaceful than ever before.

  • Finally have the choice to live your life the way that you want

What does a session look like?

To put it simply, a Hypnotherapy Session with me looks like a normal conversation. There’s nothing fancy, no tricks, nothing to prove.

Instead, the unique process of finding unconscious information and allowing the unconscious mind to process the issue reveals deeper and deeper levels of the knot until the root cause is finally processed.

And that’s what makes this so special.

Because without finding the root of the problem, all of the things that you wanted to fix will come back.

But after finding the root of the problem, that problem is gone for good. And not just the one problem that you came in to solve, but the hundreds of tiny pains that were caused by that same root cause.

So in the end you sleep better, you feel happier, you feel lighter, you eat better, your thoughts are less critical, you experience less anxiety, more calm, more joy, more freedom, and you ultimately realise that the only thing that can bring your problem back is your choice to bring it back... or not.

What results can I expect?

If you’ve had a problem for years or decades, you might think that it would take years or decades to undo - that because it’s been around for so long, it can’t possibly change so easily.

But that’s not true.

Because the only thing that’s required to finally have that breakthrough, to finally end that problem, is to discover and process the root cause. And that can happen in as little as one session, and has many times before.

I can help you get that breakthrough, and to find the root cause, and to finally have the choice and the confidence to live your life the way that you want.

However, I can’t fight God or live that perfect life for you. There is no magic wand, and all choice needs action to follow. So once you have the freedom of choice, your entire life can be totally different, but only if you choose to follow through.

What this is not

This is not a Satsang, or a modality for attaining enlightenment or self realisation or waking up. If you are seeking a space for enlightenment or an awake guide, then see the “Online Satsangs“ and “1-1 Zoom Satsang Meetings“ offered by Rohan through the Inner Peace Foundation.

This is also not a fun little experiment to enter into for the experience of hypnosis, or for the fun of the process. If you’re happy with any hypnotherapist, or if you’re here to haggle on prices, feel free to shop around elsewhere. And if you’re into hypnosis for entertainment and party tricks, buy tickets to a stage hypnosis show instead.

What’s offered here is a unique space and methodology to work on your specific individual issues, to undo the knots that you can’t undo yourself, no matter how seemingly complex, and to finally get you the breakthrough that you need in order to be truly free of your problem once and for all.

About Ashar Guglielmino

Almost all psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, and change-work professionals have built their practices on the wrong foundations. They assume that if only the thoughts you think were better then you’d live a happy life. Some of them going as far as saying if only you’d think the thoughts that they tell you to then everything would be solved.

But true peace lies beyond thinking happy thoughts, and anyone offering a better mind to think with is giving you a smarter trap to keep you suffering.

Recognising this, Ashar has spend years in self-inquiry and inner work with the Inner Peace Foundation to discover and navigate the blocks that obstruct the experience of true peace, and to experience the deep peace that lies beyond positive and negative thoughts or psychological models.

It is this inner work, and the consequent peace that he found, combined with hundreds of hours or experimentation and research into different hypnotherapy and psychotherapy techniques, that has led Ashar to the framework that he works with today.

Ashar has a background is Computer Science, and Pure Mathematics; he is a graduate of the Institute of Applied Psychology, and the San Diego Hypnosis Institute; he is a practitioner of Strategic Hypnotherapy, Neo-Eriksonian Hypnotherapy, Somatic-Energetic Hypnotherapy, and Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy; and is a member of the Hypnotherapist Council of Australia.

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