“Enlightenment is not reserved for a spiritual elite.
It is available and intrinsic to all.”
What is The Inner Peace Foundation?
The IPF was formed originally by word of mouth as like-minded people came together in Yallingup in the Margaret River Region of Western Australia.
The IPF hosts Satsang Meetings and retreats as well as simply enjoying meals together & spending time with Awakened Teacher Rohan Heaton.
The IPF is a non secular community rooted in non dual truth and love via;.
Sangha = Community Support
Buddha Dharma = Teachings
Buddha-field = Enlightenment or Self-Realisation vibrational field of Spirituality Awakened Guide*
Essentially unveiling our truest nature that legitimate spiritual masters & often geniuses like Einstein (in a letter to his daughter about what’s beyond science) have been gently pointing at for thousands of years from all over the planet.
How Did The IPF Come About?
The Inner Peace Foundation is essentially a hand opening or an extension to the public of much of the Inner Healing work that was already being undertaken by various spiritual awakening seekers under the guidance of Rohan.
Truth, Love and Happiness seekers have been gathering via word of mouth around a local Spiritually Enlightened or “Awake Teacher” Rohan Matus.
Rohan was “discovered” by a carpenter working on Rohan’s home a few years ago.
He became very fascinated about Rohan’s views, happiness and understandings of the world and beyond.
It was a whole new world & way of seeing he’d never heard of and with a couple of other seekers, Satsang with Rohan began.
It was decided to further share the teachings, practices & joy online as well as in the local community.
This was instigated after numerous students rapidly found deep contentment & or the indescribable vast mystery we are beyond the body-mind.
To those around Rohan, it seemed a disservice to keep these teachings & Rohan a secret.
“...not everyone is interested or knows what Spiritual Awakening or Non-Duality is nor are they required to.... but EVERYONE wants happiness & love.
The IPF lovingly serves this basic human need and birthright.
Technically we are all awake but most are distracted by vanity, thought & beliefs which is like seeing and living in an egoic fog that leads to unhappiness.”
Is This a Religious Thing?
No. Spiritual masters such as Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rum, Osho, Socrates, Don Juan Matus, Jesus, Miguel Ruiz, Bodhidharma and many many others have all discovered the exact same thing Rohan has within.
Jesus for example was apparently quoted “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Rohan says this was interpreted through egoic identities that can not understand beyond that view.
The “I am” referred to by Jesus is your deepest self, beyond a body or mind.
Jesus knew, his repeaters did not.
To anyone that in silent knowing, he obviously meant
“I am, IS the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (I AM-ness).”
The “me” is the I AM-ness.
THAT, that is prior to body-mind or ego that all true sages, mystics & masters speak of via direct experience.
Pure Silent Unbiased Awareness.
He was saying your deepest is the I am…. and it is here now as you read these words.
Quantum physics and other sciences are rapidly converging on the same understanding of these ancient masters & Rohan experiences directly as That, is That, not “Rohan”.
The inner discovery is an incredibly alive Pure Silent Awareness that was hiding silently inside us all along beyond the limited body and mind.
THAT required no success, popularity, wealth, relationship or any other outer world experiences whatsoever which meant complete freedom…. effortlessly.
Although all of the above were ok to have, they were simply not requirements for happiness!
The discovery or Self-Realisation is untranslatable with language so pointers would be universal love, aliveness, overwhelming beauty, Non-duality or no separation, unity consciousness etc.
About Rohan
Rohan’s first & short Spiritual Awakening or Satori was when he was about 9 years old on a path to primary school in the remote north-west coastal desert of Western Australia.
Turning a corner on the footpath, on the dusty sports oval boundary near the entrance to school, he glanced to the right & there was a small mount in the corner with a groove from where walkers & bikes took a minute shortcut… saving zero time as it was a mound.
It silently made no sense.
Instantly an incredibly wide & vivid experience of spaciousness opened up that was indescribable & beautiful…
Yet it immediately scared him as it was so alien to his normal seeing & he “closed” immediately in fear (usual response when this is 1st experienced).
It was 35 years before he understood what happened that day!
How was he to understand it when no one in that whole town or perhaps state knew what THAT was.
In 1994, another Satori occurred 5 days into a 10 day silent retreat in Brookton Perth in a Vipassana Meditation Retreat.
An organisation that was created by S.N. Goenka to mimic a monk’s life & reintroduce the Gautama the Buddha’s core meditation technique.
The other meditation Gautama taught was Loving Kindness or “Metta” to help balance the straight ruthlessness Vipassana can unfold in the seeker.
Rohan was in his bunk at the retreat centre late that night & wide awake with boundless energy & was “scanning” his energy body as taught by Mr Goenka’s discourses.
”It felt like a physical scraper was going over these sore lumps in my body.”
Late into the night he could find nothing other than a tight lump on his inside right shoulder and was going back & forth over this spot in quite a degree of pain.
In a final “scrape” everything changed.
“I felt blissful, weightless, free of the body, incredibly alive.
It was the best experience of my life up until that time & became the benchmark of how vibrant & alive life can be
...and the “I” wasn’t there.
It made no sense.
The bliss of Samadhi was far beyond the happiness idea I had been given.
No-one had told me we could feel that incredible.
The next day after sleeping perhaps an hour & awaking without any tiredness... it was gone.
I tried & I tried to re-find it over the rest of the retreat.
Trying to explain it to my friends later & its importance fell on deaf ears & at times concerned glances.
Precious few can understand or want higher consciousness I eventually realized.
But only because they had not experienced this new level of joy & freedom before!
If people simply had that glimpse there would be a rush towards ultimate truth of being rather than pleasure hunting and comfort building as they are incomparable.
It’s realised that this is what was being sought all along!”
It was 17 years before he understood what had actually happened that day as it was mentally not a possibility he was at a level to see the nondual truth of consciousness.
”S.N. Goenka’s discourses & mantra’s moved me very deeply as if it was something I once knew & love & yet alien to the world I grew up in.
I was intrigued, aren’t we supposed to be the best society, the most advanced?
Is that true or are we far behind in the ways of the spirit, the unseen?
The mysteries of consciousness itself.
As I was new to Vipassana Meditation & an often confused struggling young western male that didn’t really know anything, it did not enter my mind for a second that I had had a multi-hour glimpse of the ultimate truth in that Brookton Vipassana Retreat!
I was seeing what we actually are beyond form & thought.
The emptiness the Buddha taught.
Many years later Rohan heard of a teacher in the West after decades of on & off study mainly in Buddhism & the “in the marketplace” Toltec Wisdom Tradition via Don Juan Matus in the books of Carlos Castaneda as well as other traditions.
He finally sat & conversed via Satsang with someone that was holding the light of Spiritual Awakening and quickly realised the importance of direct teachings for the individual patterns we all have.
The rapid acceleration of progress within the Buddha field of an Awakened Teacher that knows you personally & can see the patterns that are enslaving you was profound.
It humbled the prior generic teaching the ego always filters & distorts & at times deepens the trap.
Within two years Rohan had his first of numerous deeper & deeper Awakenings in a massive “imploding” of the identity that took years to truly stabilize as the denser energetic residue of “personal history” left his system.
Integrating Beingness with the Marketplace
In the physical world, Rohan was until recently working and existing fully in life employed as a “hands-on” Marine Engineer before devoting all his time to the assistance of others to find the freedom of Oneness or Universal Truth.
His work helping others Wake Up is basically Inner Engineering as he has been a skilled Engineering troubleshooter most of his working life & utilised that trained skillset to very rapidly “hunt the shadows within” himself & now others like a physical or electronic Engineering problem.
He was also an extreme water sports business owner in Hawaii for six years before returning home to Yallingup in Western Australia where he resides now.
As mentioned, he is also now sharing his Self-Realisation teachings & discoveries with others mainly via Satsang (Gathering in Highest or Nondual Truth), Retreats & his assistance in guiding the Inner Peace Foundation & its offerings.
The IPF was formed to offer Rohan’s teachings to others after friends and family of students noticed them becoming happier & freer without any trappings of dogma, beliefs or religion.
“Ultimately, freedom is returning to direct experience, facts over dreams… waking up!
Layers upon layers of misunderstandings that we inherited are all that’s in the way of our Freedom.
Self-Realisation is not a higher goal to be obtained by a somebody.
My assistance is unveiling reality from within you rather than teaching spirituality.”
How the IPF Helps You Find Happiness
This is achieved by some of the Awakening Techniques Rohan shares publicly and direct interactions.
Rohan connects via Online Satsang, 1:1 Private Satsang, 4-10 Day Retreats & simply getting ice cream or dinner with friends.
For Rohan, finding happiness meant finding inner truth which meant finding a teacher that was home in buddha nature.
Someone that could see him & where he was not seeing himself clearly.
The ego is the master at hiding and at some level, help is required for all except the extremely rare being that falls into the ultimate truth we are.
We often hear a lot about these beings in Non-Dual or Self-Realisation Circles which can be inspiring but also disheartening and all to often distorting…
“My personal distortion patterns were by far the biggest challenge in unveiling truth or Self-Realisation.
The mind likes easy ways but if easy ways rarely work.
Thus they are not actually easy ways as they prolong unhappiness.
I have met seekers devastated in their lost time imagining they are not an ego from thin teachings or from generic wide teachings often meant for a completely different person, place and time.”
Nisargadatta Maharaj mentions he was not happy with one of the greatest Non-Duality Books ever written, I Am That, which was simply a transcribing of his fantastic Satsangs in India.
He said these teachings were for that person in that time, they were not for everyone!
He did not like people getting the wrong teachings and building foundations off that as this is a very subtle and personal game that is heavily reliant on the direct interactive experience of the “Master and the Seeker” that is prior to all language and ideologies that few understand until they experience it directly.
For Rohan, not born in the doorway of vast emptiness, Self-Realisation was quite a struggle and many inner obstacles were healed via an engineering fact-based troubleshooting methodology.
From that, he developed a great inner map of issues others face and offers (only) willing seekers a roadmap from his direct experience and clarity.
This has translated a profound series of Spiritual Awakenings which began with studying many Spiritual Masters & ultimately he gained enough clarity to see the depth and sophistication of the mind’s trickery and find a legitimate Satsang teacher to work with directly.
“It is holding this deeper state of consciousness, what we actually are before thoughts & identity, that requires our full attention.”
After a series of family crises, he at some point realized there was no other option to end suffering than face himself completely and trust completely in the process.
This is where the importance of a guide becomes obvious, as Rohan also discovered.
Assisting others to unveil this innate truth is Rohan’s skill-set or “Skillful Means” as Buddhists would call it.
For the true seeker, this is a faster, direct way to reach & reside in the Awakened or Self-Realised state. The natural state... Beyond suffering.
Rohan has an ability to sense what is happening in the truth seekers nervous system as if it were within him (ultimately it is & vice versa). The inner arisings that the seeker is often unaware of & acts from.
”…simply the residue of an often unkind world & faulty beliefs we have been taught from birth & what we came into the world with.”
By using a well-honed combination of energetic transmission, inquiry & an open welcoming of others’ discomfort, there is an undoing of harmful belief knots & an unveiling of the common truth beyond form. Now years later, his word of mouth Satsang meetings are having incredible success with multiple students having profound shifts of consciousness & awareness and seeing what he points at directly within themselves.
What The IPF Is Not
The IPF is very aware of the traps of spiritual ego’s, “woo woo”, avoidance and dogma found in a lot of digital and new age Non-Duality, Buddhism, Spirituality, Woke and Enlightenment circles and does whatever possible to “keep the sails trimmed and the rudder straight” so truth and happiness seekers arrive home as fast as possible.
Rohan engages multiple truth traditions and their best “hacks” to achieve Freedom as fast as possible for authentic seekers.
If you are unwittingly or knowingly seeking a groomed ego or a new spiritual identity, sadly, this is not the right place for you unless you are prepared to examine such things.
Satsang with Rohan is a rare space where Ego Death can & does occur & life truly begins for the open-minded and willing.
The reward is deepest freedom, peace and happiness that relies on no-one or no-thing…
Essentially, Effortless Freedom
“The Initial Spiritual Awakening is just the beginning, it is not the end.
There is no end to the beautiful opening.
Spirituality ends & Reality remains ever unfolding.
What is Self-Realisation In a Nutshell?
Rohan describes Self-realisation as not experiencing any separation from Awareness...
That is, the I Am & what’s prior to that Pure Awareness.
It is the Direct Realisation that you are everything, formed & unformed.
“The Sweetest Thought is a Step Away from The Truth”
*Note: Terms like Spiritually Awakened Teacher, Enlightened Teacher, Guru etc are only pointers as there’s no one here separate. “The Teacher and student are one.”
These terms are simply used to assist as a pointer to the quantum difference between someone “home” deeply sharing from Being, and someone not home sharing from mind.
True Spirituality is simply Reality prior to personal preference..
I am here to help people who are ready for the TRUTH of who they really are.
Bliss the side affect.”
Inner Peace Foundation Feedback
“Until it is absolutely your silent direct experience don’t believe it’s true.
Know the mind will usually doubt the direct experience when you do actually see the truth.
Alternatively, it can manufacture a pseudo awakening as it is a very clever survival mechanism.
We have been trained from birth to follow the mind over direct experience which is a huge part of the ego defence.
The truth the ego hides is pure awareness & pure love & it’s within you now. Is you. Is