Online Satsang
Discovering our deepest Self beyond Ego
Direct interaction and transmission with Rohan
Sitting silently or interacting is welcomed
Seeker Feedback
”Rohan is someone I trust deeply and has guided me on a path & as of about a year ago, I have found ongoing contentment!”. My clarity & the understanding of Who I Am...
"...from a place of confusion and distress... I found peace and silence within as I've never known it before. He is helping all that I am not, disappear by bringing me closer to what…”
"...I was not sure what to expect, or what was expected from me. You made me feel extremely comfortable instantly. What we really are, you have helped become a realization for me.
”I had trusted ideas on what I thought spirituality was, so I was resistant to coming for a long time but my boyfriend insisted & within a few Satsangs, my life completely transformed…”
”Satsang with Rohan has initially brought clarity to my struggles in life, I feel unnecessary weight pulled off my shoulders the more I…”
”When I first met Rohan three years ago, I was unaware that Satsang had started... Since then, I understand that there is only Now…”
“...before finding Rohan and attending his Satsang's, my journey of truth was wayward, and in a very real sense, completely corrupt…”
" have quickly shown me that ongoing happiness regardless of circumstance is here now always, and has been the whole time!”
"I felt that I was experiencing something spacious, and indescribable. I felt I was resting in Beingness…”
"Your Private Satsang’s have made significant and fast-moving changes to my life and finally, I am seeing the world with…”
What Is Satsang?
Satsang translates as “gathering in deepest truth”, meaning to be around a Spiritually Awakened Being.
The only method to know if a Teacher is Awakened or Enlightened is via the well-documented “emanations” or energetic field present or a feeling of well-being and softening in the seeker.
For Rohan’s Online Satsangs, all that is required is a good level of honesty, sincerity & willingness to look within rather than blame the world for our issues.
It is about discovering what we are at the deepest level. That is where “heaven” hides.
These Satsangs are precious… rare…. for those ready to heal & live at the deepest levels of being that the deepest Spiritually Awakened or Enlightened mystics & sages have discussed beyond recorded history.” Rohan
Samadhi or Enlightenment is the EXACT same discovery no matter the language or location.
In English, it’s labelled Non-Duality… Oneness… Self-Realisation… Spiritual Awakening… Spiritual Enlightenment
Satsang is resting in a deep spaciousness that can only be found around someone that has found Nonduality at a deep level & its peaceful energy signature is the only true evidence.
Spiritual Awakening work involves carefully exploring the barriers that hide our true selves, allowing us to live authentically and without limitations.
From this approach, we can discover the deep beauty we actually are beyond mind & body.
If you feel this is worth further investigation, then simply book a meeting & we look forward to meeting you!
"Words seem clumsy & unnecessary, however…
I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your razor-sharp guidance in allowing Beingness to be experienced...”