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How the IPF Memberships Help
True happiness is ONLY within you, outer happiness is pleasure, it’s fleeting, expensive & needs fueling constantly. Constant ups & downs.
True happiness & the deepest truth is ONLY within us & is intrinsic to all.
It’s when you return to a Human BEING instead of the Human DOING we discover deeper dimensions to life.
True happiness & deepest truth of being or “Beingness” is achieved by some of the Spiritual Awakening Techniques Rohan shares publicly and direct in interactions whether in formal Satsang or simply getting ice cream or dinner with friends.
The Inner Peace Foundation allows people from many walks of life to attend and find a deeper self & connect with a community on the same path at whatever level. Honest sincerity is the main requirement.
The IPF allows like-minded folks, those with a legitimate inner gaze or inner interest around uncovering the mysteries of life that the material world simply does not offer, peace and happiness is a result of this investigation within ourselves.
” Engineering is my professional skillset in the world & Self-Realisation or Nonduality is via Inner Seeing & Inner Engineering… troubleshooting patterns and finding the impersonal FACTS hidden from us via emotionality & thoughtforms!”
For Rohan, that also included at some point finding a teacher that could see where he did not see himself clearly.
The ego is the master at hiding and at some level, help is required for all except the extremely rare being that falls into the ultimate truth we are.\
“My personal distortion patterns were by far the biggest challenge in unveiling truth or Self-Realisation.
The mind likes easy ways but if easy ways rarely work.
Thus they are not actually easy ways as they prolong unhappiness.
I have met seekers devastated in their lost time imagining they are not an ego, nondual, from generic wide teachings often meant for a completely different person, place and time.”— ROHAN
Nisargadatta Maharaj mentions he was not happy with one of the greatest Non-Duality Books ever written, I Am That, which was simply a transcribing of his fantastic Satsangs in India.
He said these teachings were for that person in that time, they were not for everyone!
He did not like people getting the wrong teachings and building foundations off that as this is a very subtle and personal game that is heavily reliant on the direct interactive experience of the “Master and the Seeker” that is prior to all language and ideologies that few understand until they experience it directly.
Osho has said the teacher’s words in a book are dead words, there is no life in them. They will be interpreted by the reader’s worldview and thus distorted & unexplained.
For Rohan, not born in the doorway of vast emptiness, Self-Realisation was very much a struggle & many inner obstacles were healed via an engineering FACT-based troubleshooting methodology. Woo woo / belief systems had to go! All of them! Truth has no opposite!
From that, he developed a tremendous inner map of issues others he faced & others face & offers (only) willing seekers a roadmap from this direct experience & clarity.
Now years later, what began as word-of-mouth Satsang meetings as old friends & new gathered, Rohan is having incredible success with multiple students having profound shifts of consciousness & awareness & seeing what he points at directly within themselves.
To Rohan, words are cheap & easily copied & the overall success of the students is the only true resume of “skillfull means” as Buddhists call it.