The Importance Of Inner Honesty
Transcript: Non-duality Self-Realisation Satsang Meeting
Yallingup - Margaret River - Western Australia
It's so important to practice being a straight shooter in the world; speaking straight, speaking what you mean, having the courage to do so.
Because it avoids all, well, it helps avoid misconceptions. It helps avoid so much gossip, and drama, and problems.Quite often on the big scale, it can escalate to wars, or grudge matches, or just disharmony, over, and over, and over.
“If we can just speak to people about what’s going on directly, honestly, calmly, we can find out what’s actually happening for that person and in the situation.”
Just imagine if this became the new norm overnight, tomorrow.
And part of the reason people don't is that we're in such a high offence culture now. It's so easy to be offended, offence has replaced facts for many, many people. They are not interested in facts. If offence comes in, all the facts can be dropped. They’re not interested in facts, they prefer to be offended. This is a dangerous, dangerous state of consciousness if masses head into it.
The smarter people, and perhaps the wiser people, start being quieter and quieter and quieter. Because speaking the truth is too offensive for people, and they're just talking to a brick wall.
The offended type of people get louder, and louder, and louder and they multiply.
We get this imbalance, where the truth isn't important any more… even just on a scientific level, let alone a spiritual level, or a political level.
If we can't speak directly and clearly out in the world, whenever possible… & it's not always possible without causing great conflict at times, but we can start being straight with ourselves, (on the) inside.
“When we start being straight on our insides, our interior, we get clearer and we get more clarity.”
When we get more clarity we get more accuracy. When we get more accuracy we have a better life.
Now we can see things coming, we're not caught in the fog anymore. We can see the exits now.
Whoops… here comes a big problem that's unsolvable, (but if) I have clarity… I'll take this exit… I'll just bypass this… there's nothing I can do here… I'm not going to get involved.
Or, clarity will say, I can (only) do this much here, or that much.
“If you start practising in the outside world, it will start to happen within you too.”
And practice it within you and it will start to happen in the outside world.
And yeah, people will get offended, and they have the right to, it's their business, it's their life, it's their suffering.
Generally, if you stay in the heart it can be sensed and it'll be within the heart and the other hopefully will understand this, if they're able to.
When you speak directly, and people can hear directly, and they can reply directly and you can hear correctly and directly, it goes back and forth.
You start to get some depth in your conversations. You start to get some depth in your life. You start to have integrity.
You can form relationships that are far more satisfying and productive for both parties, and all parties for that matter, if it's in the heart.
When you make assumptions and run agendas through your mind, and scenarios through your mind, and don’t want to face what you’ve created in your world, when you try to push that on to other people and other situations, not take responsibility, you lose all your clarity.
That’s a result of not being direct and straight within yourself, and seeing things as they are…
instead of seeing them how you WANT to see them - which is convenient (for the ego) and so you can avoid where you’re failing.
That's a man or a woman (to see things as they are).
“And you have to be a man or a woman to wake-up and hold it.”
There's no way around it.